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Axis Winterguard
Members and Staff

Below you can find a list of all the 2003 members and the seasons instructors.

Gina Huff
Candace Rogers
John Hall
J. Shawn Huff
Heather Spencer - 4th year - Captain     
James Farris - 2nd year  
Justin Higdon - 2nd year                        
Eric Jones - 2nd year - Captain                          
Ashley Payne - 1st year                      
Jordi Fleming - 3rd year                       
Katie Miller - 2nd year                        
Ashly Newman - 2nd year                   
Brandi Livesay - 1st year
Jessica Creasy - 1st year
Lindsey Crick - 1st year
Danielle Gasper - 1st year
Rebekah Holder - 1st year
Lindsey Roberson - 1st year
Merideth Weaver - 1st year
Sasha Carver - 1st year
Chelsea Sullivan - 1st year
Dee Ana Witcher - 1st year
Here is a list of what equipment people perform throughout the show...
Rifle - Sabre - Flag
Heather Spencer
Eric Jones
Jordi Fleming
Katie Miller
Ashly Newman
Sasha Carver
Rifle - Flag
James Farris
Justin Higdon
Brandy Livesay
Jessica Creasy
Danielle Gasper
Lindsay Roberson
Dee Anna Witcher
Ashley Payne
Lindsay Crick
Rebekah Holder
Merideth Weaver
Chelsea Sullivan
*If you find any mistakes in these lists, please email me the corrections*